How can I help the 9 in 10?
Figures for the routes to diagnosis for cancer in England show that nine in ten patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as an emergency presentation will be dead within a year, and only four in ten will survive more than one month.
You can read our full blog on this here.
What can we do about it?
We are writing a letter to the Health Minister, Jeremy Hunt, to ask this issue to be addressed as a matter of urgency. You can do the same by using this template letter/e-mail: Template letter to Health Minister

Let your local MP know
You can also e-mail or write to your local MP to ask them to raise the issue in parliament and support Pancreatic Cancer Action.
We have template letters below for you which have region specific statistics. We recommend that you write a bit about why this matter is important to you. A personal story is likely to create more of an impact.
Who is my MP?
You can find your local MP is simply by entering your post code. Click here to find your MP.
You can also tweet your MP
With many public figures using Twitter, tweeting your MP is an easy and personal way to engage with your MP. You can find out your MP’s twitter handle here.
When tweeting it’s best to:
- Show how pancreatic cancer has affected you personally
- Try to get a dialogue going by asking them a question
- Highlight the facts and statistics of pancreatic cancer and ask them to get involved
- Use links, for example our website:
- Use Hastags, for example #PancreaticCancer