How to pay in fundraising money
Pay in online
It is really easy to pay your fundraising money in online through our secure payment form:
At any HSBC bank branch
You can pay your fundraising money directly into our bank account at any HSBC bank branch, using your paying in slip. If you’d like to use this option, please email us or phone 0303 040 1770 and we will be able to provide you our bank details.
By cheque or postal order
Write a cheque or postal order payable to Pancreatic Cancer Action and send it to us at Suite 3.10 Covault, Fullarton Road, Cambuslang, Glasgow, G32 8YL, along with any sponsor forms.
Please quote your name, event and please don’t post any cash!
By bank transfer
Transfer the money directly from your bank account to ours. Just send us an email to for our bank details. A super easy way to pay in your fundraising money!
Gift Aid
Make sure we can claim Gift Aid!
This is a scheme where the government gives charities an extra 25% in tax on all eligible donations. Providing we have name, address and postcode for everyone who’s donated, we can claim.