Sources of support after pancreatic cancer treatment

Pancreatic Cancer Action
Patient Information Booklets

Chemotherapy Treatment for Pancreatic cancer

This booklet describes how chemotherapy treatment works, how it is given and how it may affect the patient. Provides advice on coping with side effects. Includes a section about second opinions, clinical trials and questions to ask your doctor and a glossary to explain some of the terms used.

From family and friends to GPs and support groups, it is important to remember that you are not alone.

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Family and friends who supported you throughout your diagnosis and treatment, can be the right people to speak to about support once your treatment has ended. They may be wondering how best to help next.

GPs or specialist nurses will be able to answer any of your questions and concerns and sign post you onto services as required. 

You may wish to speak to people outside of your family, friends and medical team about some of the challenges you face after pancreatic cancer. Sometimes, it can help to talk to other people in a similar situation to you and to hear or share stories.

Macmillan Cancer Support Provides information on life after cancer and getting back to normal.

Health talk online is a resource of more than 2000 people’s cancer stories, treatment decisions and support.  

Support finding the “new normal”

Family and friends are useful in helping you to get back to normal or make changes in your life. They can support you through your rehabilitation and beyond. You might find that as the people who know you best, they can offer the best advice. You may find, however, that you would prefer to speak to people who have been through a similar experience to you.  

Maggie’s centres

Maggie’s centres are dedicated support centre’s for people who are worried about, being treated for, or are recovering from cancer. If there is a centre local to you, they provide support from medical professionals as well as clinical psychologists.

  • The centre also runs an online centre to reach people who cannot get to them or live too far to travel.
  • They run a seven-week course entitled “Where now?” for anyone who has been affected by cancer. The aim is to provide support in every area of life after cancer.  
  • The centres also offer blog posts and online support groups to connect you with medical professionals and people with similar experiences to your own.