Purple Thistle

Taking Action in Scotland

Pancreatic Cancer Action Scotland is dedicated to the people of Scotland whose lives have been touched by pancreatic cancer and associated tumours.

In 2020 Pancreatic Cancer Action (PCA) and Pancreatic Cancer Scotland (PCS) merged to become one organisation, with our shared vision and determination to make the 2020’s the Decade of Change for the world’s toughest cancer.

Our merger is a commitment to the people of Scotland, and the UK, of a stronger united force, pulling together to take determined action to change the numbers and improve the outcomes for everyone affected by pancreatic cancer.

Legacy funds from PCS and all future funds raised in Scotland shall continue to benefit the people of Scotland through our initiatives, projects and activities.

Our supporters, patients and families are at the heart of all that we do and fuel our passion to drive the change that pancreatic cancer so desperately needs

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Our mission

Our mission is to improve survival rates of pancreatic cancer by ensuring more people are diagnosed early and that everyone has access to effective treatments, support, information and care.

With your help we can take more ACTION in Scotland.

  • A

    Awareness - increase public awareness and knowledge of pancreatic cancer and its symptoms to achieve early diagnosis

  • C

    Campaign and lobby the government and key stakeholders for change to advance the standard of healthcare for individuals affected by pancreatic cancer

  • T

    Train and provide pioneering educational resources for our medical and healthcare communities

  • I

    Innovative research - we fund it, we support it - to improve early diagnosis and develop effective treatments to improve pancreatic cancer outcomes

  • O

    Offer the provision of practical and emotional support and information to all affected by pancreatic cancer

  • N

    Now – we are the action charity and action is needed more than ever before!

YOU can help us by joining our Pan Can Clan of passionate committed supporters in Scotland and together we can take ACTION to drive positive change.

News from Scotland

East End of Glasgow Awareness Success!

Research has shown that symptom awareness and survival rates are particularly low in the East End of Glasgow – so the team at Pancreatic Cancer Action were determined to change…

Heather Archbold

on 5th September 2024