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If you are seeing a patient with newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer, they have a lot of information to take in and potentially unmet information need.
Although your patient will initially be treated under secondary care, ensuring that they understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and side effects is an important part of your role.
As the patient’s GP, you are well-placed to identify their holistic need and long-term challenges. Prognosis and information needs vary by the tumour.
Please see more information depending on whether the patient’s cancer is operable or non-operable:
Now may be a good time to refer your patient to materials on our website about coming to terms with their diagnosis and clinical trials.
If your patient is not sure what pancreatic cancer is and what has led them to this point, our patient information booklet “What is pancreatic cancer?” may help them with their understanding.
It can be viewed online or delivered free of charge to the UK.