War on Cancer: A patient’s journey
Ali Stunt, CEO and founder of Pancreatic Cancer Action, is speaking today at The Economist War On Cancer event in London as part of their keynote panel.
This years War on Cancer Event is patient focused and has brought together providers, industry representatives, employers and policymakers for a patient-led discussion. If the “war on cancer” is to be won, patients first need to define what victory looks like.

The Keynote Panel: Setting out the challenge – The Patient View
This panel included individuals who have had first-hand experiences living with a cancer diagnosis. The discussion involved insights that they gained into the processes and extent of care, and what they see as the key questions and solutions that we need to examine today.
They also discussed what lessons can be learnt from their overall experience of care, how treatment can be managed over the long term in a way that prioritises the patient’s needs, and what it really means to be “cured”.
The goals of War On Cancer
Our aim, is not simply to wage war against cancer, but to improve care for cancer patients. What constitutes optimal care in an era of complex care, where cancer may be curable or transformed into a chronic disease? Whether the disease is curable or not, cancer leaves a legacy for patients, carers and broader society: disability, impaired quality of life, symptom control, stigma, psychological trauma, productivity and employment loss can have a profound impact. What are patients’ needs? How well are these being met? How can this be improved? And, most critically, what will improve the patient journey, now and in the future?