
Successful Weekend for Wacky Racers

At the weekend Holly Raper and her boyfriend Gerald successfully organised their 2nd Wacky Racers event which is set to raise over a fantastic £3,000 once all the cars are sold!

The treasure hunt style challenge started on Friday 7th July and finished with the winners being announced on Sunday. The winners for the second year in a row were Paul and Malcom from ‘Team Radish’ who were sponsored by East Riding Group.

10 old bangers which had to cost under £250 set off to find destinations where they had to take selfies to prove they were there. If they failed to locate the spot, take the photo or had to be towed due to a breakdown then they would get points deducted from their score.

Holly says “A great number of teams are involved this year from all over England. Until the mornings of the event teams have absolutely no idea where they are going or where they’re staying for the night. Wacky Racers is a completely different kind of charity event which not only raises money but much needed awareness of Pancreatic Cancer.”

“I just want to say thank you all everyone involved and to all the sponsors who have been amazing this year.”

Holly has already confirmed that she will be organising her Wacky Racers event next year so if you are interested why not like her Facebook page for all the latest updates here 

You can also still donate to her Go fund me page here 

A photo of Wacky Racer's Malcom and Paul with their car and trophy, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Team Radish – Winners (Malcom and Paul)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Simon and David with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
The Gritters – (Simon & David)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Phillip and June with their car and trophy, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Tap Tap Beep Beep – (Philip & June)
A photo of Wacky Racer's The Monks Walk Mob with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Monks Walk Mob- (Martin & Sarah)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Nikki and Emily with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Lighting Ducks – (Nikki & Emily)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Warren and Jim with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Duck Hunt- (Warren & Jim)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Celia and Sue with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
The DFW’s – (Celia & Sue)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Steve and James with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Dastardly Duo – (Steve & James)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Darren and Timmy with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Conquering BigFoote – (Darren & Timmy)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Stephen and Daniel with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Crystal Peaks – (Stephen & Daniel)
A photo of Wacky Racer's Paul and Malcom with their car, raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action
Paul and Malcom
A photo of Wacky Racer's scoresheet raising funds for Pancreatic Cancer Action