Spring into Action this Easter!
Top ways to fundraise this Easter!
Spring is finally upon us and with Easter fast approaching, what better way to kick start your fundraising than with an Easter theme?
We have lots of Easter fundraising ideas to get you started that are creative, fun and can be done in your workplace, at school or at home.
Easter egg hunt
Easter Egg Hunts are a popular event which everyone can get involved in no matter what age they are! Find a space to hide your Easter eggs maybe in a local park, workplace, school playground or even your own garden and charge a small entry fee for people to go on an egg hunt.
Guess the Easter eggs in the jar
Fill a large clear jar with a variety of different sized Easter eggs and let people to guess how many are in the jar with a chance of winning them. Ask for a small entry fee of £1/£2 and the person who is closest to the number of eggs is the winner and wins the jar!
This is a great for any workplace as it doesn’t take much time or space and everyone in the office can get involved. It would also be good at a school fate or community centre.
Egg decorating competition
An egg decorating competition is a great way to get schools and children involved. Set a small entry fee and ask people to decorate an egg/eggs in any way they want. They could do a simple decoration or even decorate multiple eggs or make them into famous people for example Ant and Dec, Batman or a Disney princess. Don’t forget to make sure participants boil their eggs first or it could get messy!
Ask someone to judge the eggs and award the winner with a token chocolate egg for their efforts.
Easter theme baking competition
If you love baking and want to hold a cake sale then why not make it an Easter themed sale and ask everyone to contribute. You can then sell your cakes and even hold a best cake competition as well.
A cake sale is a great way to fundraise in your workplace, school or local community centre and everyone can get involved.
You can download our be a baker pack from our website here.
Easter Egg Raffle
An Easter egg raffle is easy to set up in any environment as everyone can take part and it is easy to do. Purchase a large Easter egg and sell raffle tickets for people to win the egg but make sure you charge enough so that it will also cover the cost of the prize.
Find the golden egg
Another great competition to hold at a local/school fate is find the golden egg competition. Paint the bottom of as many eggs as you like gold and ask people to pick an egg for a donation and If they pick the golden egg they win a small prize.
If you are fundraising this Easter then we would love to see your photos so don’t forget to send them to us and tag us on social media:
Good Luck and Happy Easter!