Prevention in Action: Shaping Tobacco use in Scotland
Wednesday the 9th March 2022 was No Smoking Day. Smoking tobacco is the greatest modifiable risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer. This is because cigarette smoke contains carcinogenic compounds – these are compounds that cause cancer. However, in a 2019 survey, only 25% of people could confidently state ONE risk factor for pancreatic cancer. This suggests a limited awareness of the risk that smoking poses for the development of pancreatic cancer, which Pancreatic Cancer Action is aiming to improve.

“Prevention in Action” is a no-smoking campaign that Pancreatic Cancer Action is piloting throughout Scotland. ASH Scotland has provided excellent support so far, including a referral to SCOT (Scottish Coalition on Tobacco).
SCOT is a dynamic coalition of health groups, charities and civic and voluntary organisations campaigning to change the landscape of tobacco use in Scotland. This combined influence adds weight to policies and campaigning. It demands the attention of all policymakers.
The organisations involved in SCOT share information and best practice, create policies and solutions for a tobacco-free Scotland, campaign on specific tobacco or smoking issues, respond to relevant consultations and provide advice and information to the public, politicians and the media.
On Tuesday the 8th of March 2022, Pancreatic Cancer Action became an official member of SCOT, and look forward to being a part of this dynamic group to share and gain knowledge to shape the future of public health in Scotland.
To find out more about the work that SCOT do, read here.

Smoking is a risk factor
Smoking is a modifiable risk factor of pancreatic cancer. This means you can change your own risk through your behaviour and lifestyle choices. By stopping smoking, you can reduce your chances of pancreatic cancer.
No form of smoking avoids risks, and quitting smoking it better still not starting remains the best way to reduce your chances. Smoking has been confirmed as increasing your chances of developing pancreatic cancer and other cancers. The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the greater the risk.
Why can smoking cause pancreatic cancer?
Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of harmful and dozens of carcinogenic compounds. These are chemicals that cause cancer either by damaging DNA causing mutations in our genes or by changing how cells reproduce and die. Cells grow and multiply out of control and tumours develop.
To find out more about the link between smoking and pancreatic cancer, click here.