
Read the lovely story that inspired 9 year old Audrey Li to raise £1,390 for Pancreatic Cancer Action….

Audrey is 9 years old and goes to school at St Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School (SJIIES) in Singapore.

One of her teachers, Steve Dalgarno, wears a PCA wristband to school in honour of his mum. Audrey took a liking to the wristband because of the colour and kept asking if she could have one…

She kept asking.

And asking.

And asking.

She hunted him down in the corridors.

And asking.

And turning up outside his classroom at break and lunchtime….and asking!

So, Steve contacted her dad to ask if I could give her a wristband. He said she had been asking about the wristband to him and he would speak to her about it.

Audrey’s dad, Kenny Li, had researched Pancreatic Cancer Action and explained to Audrey about pancreatic cancer and the charity. He then came back to Steve saying that he could give her a wristband and that Audrey had decided she wanted to raise money for PCA.

I gave her a wristband and it was too big for her wrist…so she sat down, took off her shoe and put it on her ankle (that’s where she wears it)!!

She made a little video (See below) and sent it to all her family and friends along with a photo of the wristband on her ankle. She also telephoned all her family and friends asking for donations t her cause.

She raised £1,390!!