Supporters and Fundraisers news

PCA needs you: Cheering and Marshalling

We are so incredibly thankful for our community of PCA supporters. They work extremely hard to raise the profile of pancreatic cancer, its symptoms, how it’s diagnosed and how early diagnosis is key to survival. Our supporters run marathons, climb mountains, walk across the country and much much more all to raise vital funds and awareness of the disease to help future patients get the best possible treatment they can get.

A huge thank you goes out to you all, you’re all incredible!

PCA needs you for cheering and marshalling at charity events

Our marathon runners, mountain climbers and extreme walkers need people to cheer them on, to keep them going and to give them that pep in their step… we need some PCA cheer teams!

Creating a cheer team is great fun and easy to do. Simply gather your friends together, pull on a PCA t-shirt and cheer on everyone who runs past. We’ve got everything you might need, including: posters, bunting and balloons, to make your cheer team truly stand out in the crowd!

PCA needs you for cheering and marshalling: t-shirts, balloons, and banners

Calling all students…

Are you at university in a bustling city? Do any of our events travel through your town? Get yourself and your housemates together and become a PCA cheer team! Why?…It’ll look great on your CV as it’ll show that you have helped the community and a charitable organisation. You can spread much needed awareness and you’ll completely feed off of the atmosphere and have a great time! Get in touch now, details below 🙂

Our next cheering opportunities:

  • 29th July 2018 – Prudential Ride London, Surrey
  • 9th September 2018 – Great North Run, Newcastle Upon Tyne

To get involved, email or click here for more information.

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