Looking Back on 2020

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you. The support that you have given us throughout 2020 has been invaluable and has meant that we have been able to offer vital support to patients and their families at a time when they have needed us the most.
Whilst this year has certainly been challenging for everyone, we at Pancreatic Cancer Action are more determined than ever to make sure that we are having the biggest impact when it comes to diagnosing patients early, giving them the best chance of survival and access to treatment and care.
Our achievements and highlights in 2020
Patient care at the forefront
We know that a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is never easy, but during the last year it is been more challenging than ever. With COVID-19 having such a devastating impact on cancer patients’ treatments and diagnostic pathways, it is vital we continue to be at the forefront of patient care and are working closely with the NHS, Governments and other charities to ensure that our information is as up to date as possible. We have acted fast to create a Covid-19 hub on our website, with all of the most up to date information on government guidance, shielding and advice on coping during lockdowns.
Working closely with Cancer 52 and other organisations has allowed us to identify areas where people with pancreatic cancer have needed the most support and helped guide our responses to Cancer Recovery Plans and other policies that will guide our future work and give patients a voice.
Using funds raised in Scotland, PCA continues to fund a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the West of Scotland Pancreatic Unit team. The feedback regarding the impact of this role on patient care and links to research has been extremely positive. None of this would be possible without your support.
Our research continues
We are pleased that our research project examining the link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer has continued throughout the pandemic. Working in partnership with the University of Surrey, we have begun to examine data from over 10,000 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer to find out who is most at risk, the pathway of their symptoms and how we can act to diagnose pancreatic cancer earlier. As this research continues, we will be working with GPs and pharmacists to ensure that our findings reach real people as soon as possible.
Patient Information Booklets relaunch
In August this year we were delighted to launch the new design of our Patient Information Booklets. Our information has been updated and refreshed and we have introduced a new booklet to the series, “Supportive and end of life care for pancreatic cancer”, designed to guide patients and families through the difficult and often confusing decisions about end of life. We worked with specialists and reviewers to make sure these booklets are user-friendly and easy to understand.
All our information has been certified by the Patient Information
Forum, a sign of quality information that you can trust.
We are proud that all of our information now carries this mark.
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month – what a big impact!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach more people than ever before this November, by sharing our symptoms posts on social media, displaying the purple heart in your windows and taking
on some amazing fundraising activities for Turn It Purple! The whole country lit up purple on World Pancreatic Cancer Day and many radio interviews were held with myself and inspiring supporters.
During the month we have worked closely with cancer alliances, to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer with local decision makers, health care professionals and members of the public. We have also distributed awareness information to GPs and pharmacies throughout
Surrey and Sussex cancer alliance as well as Lancashire and South
We supported a successful debate in the Scottish Parliament, bringing
pancreatic cancer to the top of the agenda. Some MSP’s spoke from
the heart about how they have been affected by pancreatic cancer
highlighting the need to take action. We also successfully ran the
first ever TV advert in Scotland on STV highlighting the symptoms of
pancreatic cancer, featuring one of our supporters speaking about
losing his dad to the disease.
A stride in the right direction; our work in 2021
Our merger with Pancreatic Cancer Scotland this year has reiterated our message; that we are, stronger together, and we are setting out plans to make the 2020’s the decade of change for pancreatic cancer.
We are looking forward to sharing some news about our new shared vision and project plans with you in the new year.
It is with support from people like yourself that allows us to continue to save more lives through our early diagnosis work and we can’t thankyou enough for all you do. If you feel able, making a regular
donation to PCA will enable us to plan our future work; developing targeted awareness campaigns, working with more health care professionals to ensure early diagnosis of this disease and the funding
of our innovative research initiatives.
I would like to thank you for all your support, now and in the future.
Best wishes,
Ali Stunt
Founder and CEO of Pancreatic Cancer Action