Patient Story: Kristine Wilson
Christine describes being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and her difficulty remaining positive when faced with a lack of survivor stories.
My name is Kristine Wilson. I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer October of 2015 at the age of 42. I was terrified of what would come next. The number one thing I remember about the start of this journey is that I could not find a single “good” story out there. It is heartbreaking to not find many survivor stories out there. This does not help when you are trying to remain positive. I have since found a few role models to latch onto. I opted to travel 7 hours for my treatments every other week. This took a toll on my family as well as my job but we were able to make it work. My husband has been my number 1 supporter along with family and coworkers. This helped me through a lot. I did a lot of online research and changed my nutrition. I love to share my knowledge with others. I have 3 month checkups like clockwork. September 2nd was my 2 year anniversary from my surgery and I remain cancer free. The checkups can be excruciatingly stressful. I love life and live one day at a time. I am blessed to be here and would love to help others on this journey. ?