
DryJan 4 PanCan

Untitled designOur DryJan 4 PanCan campaign is a great way to have a detox and raise vital funds for pancreatic cancer.

If you’re starting later in the month, that’s ok, just carry on for a month from then.  For example, if you start on 6th January, go dry until 6th February.

You can start fundraising by setting up a Fundraising page and asking your friends to donate.

We also have the following resources to help you raise funds and awareness:

DryJan 4 PanCan sponsorship form

DryJan 4 PanCan twibbon

DryJan 4 PanCan Facebook cover

DryJan 4 PanCan fundraising poster

Remember there are a number of benefits of abstaining from alcohol for a month including:

  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Lose weight
  • Save money
  • Change your habits

Good luck and thank you!