After appearing on the ITV Tonight Documentary, Britain's Hidden Killer, we reflect on the main takeaway from the documentary. GP awareness of the symptoms and risks of pancreatic cancer is crucial
For those of you watching ITV Tonight’s documentary, ‘Britain’s Hidden Killer’, you would have seen our CEO & Founder, Ali Stunt, who was noted as being one of the countries longest pancreatic cancer survivors, at 14 years since diagnosis.
If you missed the documentary or wish to watch it again, click below to watch it on the ITV Hub until Sunday, November 14.

For those that haven’t watched it yet. We want to tell you it was sensitively done and highlights an area every single person can help get involved.
The documentary was commissioned by filmmaker Daniel Kennedy, whose father, Paul, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at 78. Paul permitted Daniel to film a few brief moments of his final days before he passed away, providing an insight into the disease that had not been seen before. As well as interviews with a GP, Pancreatic Cancer Surgeon, Researchers and patients living beyond their prognosis.
Within the documentary, GP Dr Chris Pattulo noted that GP’s typically only see one case of pancreatic cancer every two to three years. With increased awareness of the symptoms and less misdiagnosis, it could be questioned that this figure would be higher.
Figures from July 2021 show that of the approximate 42,000 GPs in the UK, only 7,000 have undertaken our free e-learning, which equates to 16%.
We are asking for people to help us not only continue the conversation around pancreatic cancer awareness but also play an active role in helping GP’s obtain additional education into the disease.
Request a GP Pack: If you want to take action, you can request a GP resource pack for your local GP surgery. This pack contains a range of free resources, including how your GP can access our RCGP accredited e-learning module, pancreatic cancer diagnostic guidelines and a symptoms diary for patients. The pack is available free of charge to any address in the UK. Click here to register.
Take Action: You can also help us by raising the funds to provide the GP resources and our other materials. Click here to find out more on how you can fundraise, or if you want to make a donation, you can click here.