
The Petition: How you can help…


The deadline Sign this petition1 - Copyfor the pancreatic cancer e-petition to put Abraxane back on the Cancer Drugs fund list is fast approaching.

Signatures on the e-petition have gained huge momentum in the last couple of weeks and achieving the target of 100,000 is now looking possible!

We would be very appreciative of any support you can give to us to reach this goal. Here are a few ways you can help gain vital signatures:

1. If you haven’t already, please sign the petition!

2. Share the petition link on your social media pages! 

Post suggestions:

Pancreatic cancer has a 4% survival rate! Please sign the petition to put life extending drug for pancreatic cancer patients back on the Cancer Drugs Fund List! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/107388
It is so important to sign this petition to ensure that patients in England have the same choice as patients in Scotland and Wales! Thank you! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/107388
It only takes two minutes to sign but it could give 2 months or even 2 years to a pancreatic cancer patient and their family. Please sign and share this petition! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/107388
Even two months can make the world of difference to loved ones, especially when the average life expectancy of pancreatic cancer is just 3-6 months! Sign and share the petition! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/107388

3. We have found these images to be successful so feel free to share them as well!

You can also go to our petition Pinterest board or our Petition Facebook album for more images.

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4. Join the thunderclap!  

Support the petition by sharing this message with thousands of people at the same time! #Project100K!

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5. Please send out an email to family, friends and colleagues. 

We have a template here if you wish to use it. You can also message all of your WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups and threads.

6. Print out the QR poster to put around your office/school/community centres for all to see. 

For more images you can always go to our petition Pinterest boardFacebook album, or Instagram.