Written by healthcare professionals;

Life after pancreatic cancer

Information for you

Patients who have successful surgery for pancreatic cancer face multiple challenges throughout their recovery. Recurrence rates are high, and patient often live in fear of this.

Regular follow up with patients and ensuring that they are aware of the symptoms of recurrence are important to patients, who may feel abandoned by secondary care after treatment.

After surgery, patients are often left requiring enzyme replacement, may be newly diabetic and may require immune support if the spleen is removed. The adjustment to medication, recovery after a major operation and psychological support that is required can be difficult for patients.


Patients may benefit from referrals to diabetic specialist nurses or a diabetologist for support with their condition. New type 3c diabetes can be challenging to manage and may require insulin therapy immediately.

Resources for your patient

PCA provides online advice for:

We also suggest support forums such as Maggie’s online centre.

If your patient is a carer, who has become bereaved due to pancreatic cancer, referral to patient stories on our website, Macmillan and Cruse support services may be appropriate.