
Zoe Hall takes on tough mudder

“Sometimes in our lives we have to challenge ourselves. This years challenge is probably the toughest one I have done so far.

On May 20th I will be taking part in Tough Mudder for Pancreatic Cancer Action in memory of my Mum and all those lost to Pancreatic Cancer and all those still fighting.

The training has been slow but it has started please dip your hand in your pocket and throw a few pounds my way for sponsorship and share my post so that a few others might do so too xx”

This is why Zoe is getting muddy for PCA

In July 2012 my gorgeous Mum phoned with the news that she was in hospital, but it was nothing to worry

Zoe’s mum Jean

about…………… but she had a mass on her Pancreas that they thought might be cancerous. It will be ok I thought, she had only been to visit us a few weeks before and was fine……….. then came the news and the reality she had Pancreatic Cancer and that it was terminal.

Mum put up a brave fight, never moaning, never complaining and never giving up. But just 5 months later I got the phone call to tell me that she had died, to tell my 8 year old son a week before Christmas that Granny had died broke my heart.

My memories of Mum aren’t sad but full of joy and happiness, even my last conversation with her (the evening before she died) was full of laughter.

Since that day I have met many wonderful people who have lost loved ones to Pancreatic Cancer (my purple family) and know so many who are fighting or have also become purple angels. That if I can help one person, if I can spread awareness and save one life in my Mums memory then I’m honouring the lives of all those who it has claimed