Supporters and Fundraisers news

Tavistock Golf Club hits hole-in-one for Pancreatic Cancer Action and British Heart Foundation

Jean Keast receiving the cheque for Pancreatic Cancer Action and Joy Petley receiving the cheque on behalf of the British Heart Foundation. Picture by James Bird

The chosen charities of 2016 of Tavistock Golf Club captains Maurice Craze and Gail Reed were Pancreatic Cancer Action and the British Heart Foundation — with both charities receiving bumper cheques as a result. 

In receiving a cheque for £5,300 on behalf of Pancreatic Cancer Action, Jean Keast told members that: “All too often pancreatic cancer is misdiagnosed and with a 96% death rate – this needs to change.  The PCA works to promote awareness not only within the medical profession but also to the general public.  The charity receives just one per cent of the total cancer spend so raising funds is essential to fulfil this.  I was totally overwhelmed with this fantastic amount. The charity is well and truly delighted.”

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