
Remember a Charity Week

Today is the start of Remember a Charity week and we this year we have joined forces with Remember a Charity in your will, the largest consortium of its kind in the UK working to promote legacy giving.

Legacies are vital to our very survival, a fact that most of our supporters don’t realise. Did you know that 6.3% of the UK have left a gift to charity in their Will? With just a 4% increase it would raise a further £1 billion for good causes every year. remember a charity week

We want you to have your say on the world that you want to pass on so we would love to know your vision for future generations and share it on social media using the hashtag #HaveYourSay.

As the UK’s fifth biggest cause of cancer death, we know that pancreatic cancer desperately needs more funding and more awareness.  Hearing daily of more people being diagnosed late and dying from pancreatic cancer is a powerful reminder of why our work is so vital.

So, join us for Remember a Charity in Your Will Week 2017 and tell us what you have to say about pancreatic cancer and the desperate need for us to change the numbers, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

We understand that family and loved ones will always take priority – remembering a charity in your Will doesn’t mean excluding others. A gift to charity in your Will does not have to mean large amounts of money.  A small gift can make a very real difference

If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy and our free will writing service then click here.