Rebecca shares her fond memories of dad Brian
On the lead-up to Father's Day, Rebecca shares some of her fondest memories of her dad Brian, who she sadly lost to pancreatic cancer in March, 2021.

“Our loving Dad Brian, was the most kind, loving and funny man you will ever meet. Such a popular man to the point you couldn’t go anywhere without dad bumping into one of his friends.
Just some of our favourite memories were always at Christmas time when we took a whole day to decorate the house from top to bottom as Christmas was our dads favourite time of the year. He always went over the top but we let him as his cheeky smile lit up the room.
His favourite thing to do when it snowed was to take us sledging, as he was a real thrill seeker! Even though he was 55, he was the fittest man ever.
Dads favourite band was Queen so you knew when he was home as you would hear him blasting them on the radio in his van when he was in the driveway coming home from work.
Dad always, no matter the weather, would have the bbq on as it was his pride and joy in our garden. I will always remember the day he came home with a jet ski and said to us ‘Don’t tell your mum!’ And it was our best kept secret – 10 years to be exact!
Every single birthday we would always get together and have all the family round and he was always the life of the party by getting involved in the games and obviously his dad dancing. He was a Karaoke King!
Dad would have been absolutely blown away by the generosity from his family and friends as we raised over £7,000 for Pancreatic cancer Action Scotland. It means so much to us as a family to know that dad has touched so many people with his amazing nature and fun loving spirit.
He was always making terrible dad jokes but we loved them really. There really is a hole in our hearts now that he suddenly passed in March 2021 not knowing about this horrible cancer. Myself, my sister and my mum will do as much as we can to continue to raise funds in memory of our fabulous dad and to help raise awareness of this dreadful cancer”.