
Purple Pansy Pins

captureThe Pansy is a very special flower to us here at PCA. Although it is found in other colours, the pansy fits the purple theme rather nicely and what is even more special is that it flowers during November (the winter variety anyway), which is the month during which we have Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.

The pansy flower also symbolises the love or admiration of one person for another and it is regarded as a symbol of remembrance which is why it is such a meaningful icon to our charity. The flower was once our logo when the charity launched in 2010 and although it has now changed, the pansy is still very much part of our organisation and we continue to stock our popular pansy badges in our shop.

The badges can be worn in memory and are a great way to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer. With November – our awareness month – coming up there is no better time to show your support by wearing your pins. If you don’t already have one of our Pansy pins and you would like one, then you can order them from the shop here – https://pancreaticcanceraction.org/support-us/shop/enamel-pansy-pin/

The badges are just one of the ways you can show remembrance, we also have our Pansy Tribute Fund designed to be a special place to remember your loved ones. Our online Pansy Tribute offers you a place to hold your photographs, thoughts, sounds and memories all in one place. It is easily set up and is a secure place for you and your friends to donate so you can watch your Pansy fund grow.

Every penny donated to your Pansy Tribute Fund will help us fund essential projects to enable earlier diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. By keeping your loved one’s memory alive, you will also be helping future patients survive pancreatic cancer.

If you would like to find out more, visit our website and set up your free page today. http://pansyfund.pancreaticcanceraction.org/g_home.aspx