Pancreatic Cancer Action joins Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
Pancreatic Cancer Action is proud to have been invited to support The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT) along with support from eight other cancer charities and research organisations who have signed up as registered supporters.
Together, the less survivable cancers of the pancreas, lung, stomach, liver, brain and oesophagus make up half of all the deaths from common cancers in the UK but they have an average five year survival of under 16% due to a legacy of neglect and underfunding. The Taskforce, including Action Against Heartburn, the British Liver Trust, Guts UK, Pancreatic Cancer UK, The Brain Tumour Charity and the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, aims to double the survivability of these cancers by 2029.
The new registered supporters are Barrett’s Oesophagus UK, Brains Trust, Brain Tumour Research, Heartburn Cancer UK, Hepatocellular Carcinoma UK, Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Northern Ireland, Ochre and Pancreatic Cancer Action.
This year the LSCT shared data showing that the UK ranks between 14th and 27th out of 29 countries for five year survival for the less survivable cancers and has called on UK governments to commit to tackling the stark inequalities in cancer outcomes.
Ali Stunt, Founder and CEO of Pancreatic cancer Action says, “We are so pleased to be part of the LSCT and look forward to making a difference together. We know there needs to be a change and that collaboration in our campaigning will make a bigger impact.”
Anna Jewell, Chair of the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce said:
“On average, the chance of someone surviving for five years after being diagnosed with one of the less survivable cancers is nearly four times lower than it is for people diagnosed with other common cancers. I’m delighted that the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce has these new supporters who share our belief that through more research, better treatments and earlier diagnosis we can close the deadly cancer gap.”
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