Pancreatic Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2019
We have launched our bi-annual pancreatic cancer patient survey which is open to UK patients who have been diagnosed with the disease. Carers are also welcome to take the survey on behalf of the person they care for, provided they have a good knowledge of the diagnosis and experience involved.
So, why do we do this and what is it for?

As a patient myself, I know what it is like to enter into the bewildering world of hospitals and clinics and, before you have this disease you may have no idea what is expected.
Working for nine years at Pancreatic Cancer Action, my team and I do know what should happen to patients when they are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. However, unless we hear directly from patients, we don’t know if what should happen is actually happening!
So, it is important to find out exactly how patients in the UK are being diagnosed and how long that takes, how long it takes to get treatment, what treatment (s) patients are receiving and the type of information and support they are getting at any stage.
This information is anonymous, so you will not be identified, but we need this information, not only to inform our work, but to lobby the government, should we find that patients are not getting the care and support they need.
Please help us by taking the time to complete the survey. It should only take around 15 minutes to complete but should you need any help, please call 0303 040 1770.
Thank you!!
Ali Stunt
Founder & CEO