
We need your help! Take part in the Abraxane Survey…

In September 2015 the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) decided not to recommend a new pancreatic cancer drug, Abraxane, for use on the NHS in England and, by extension, Northern Ireland.

Initially NICE said they would not look at Abraxane again until October 2018. However, new evidence has been provided to them and they have now brought forward the reappraisal.  

NICE needs a response by March 17th about why the drug should be made available to patients on the NHS. To help us to do so we need the input of patients and the family and friends of patients who have/had advanced pancreatic cancer. We would especially welcome input from patients, or the family and friends of patients, who have been treated with Abraxane, and the views of patients in Wales and Scotland who currently have access to the drug.

All answers to the survey are anonymous. However, you can provide your contact details so we can contact you to discuss your answers in more depth if we need to. We fully abide by our Privacy Policy, which is available to view on the PCUK website.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help us by sharing your experiences in this way. By doing so, you are helping us to put forward the most informed case possible to NICE.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email campaigning@pancreaticcancer.org.uk.

Take part in the survey: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CFXP9XN