Creon update
NEW UPDATE (17th May)
Mylan have confirmed today (17th May) that there has been a delay with dispatch from Germany in the delivery of Creon 25k.
The delivery is now anticipated to be available for patients from the 23rd May .
Creon 10k still remains available and some areas will still have access to Creon 40k.
Mylan apologise for this disruption and we will keep you updated with any further information.
PCA are aware that some patients are experiencing difficulty in getting hold of Creon. We at Pancreatic Cancer Action have spoken to the manufacturer, Mylan this morning and here is their response.
“Over 100,000 packs were delivered in April and the deliveries were consistent but we believe due to the issues we had in March we have been playing catch up with back orders and all stock has gone straight back out.
A delivery was made earlier this week which will be available at patient level today, I think parts of the UK were out of stock earlier this week after the bank holiday but that should be resolved today (Friday). We then have 2x large deliveries coming in – 1 next week and 1 at the end of May, both of which are over a months’ worth of stock. We managed to get an additional months’ worth of stock from global to try get back ahead and resolve the situation fully. I am hopeful that is should all be resolved by the end of May.”
Hopefully the shortage of stock should be resolved by the end of May. However, if patients are still experiencing difficulties in the next few weeks, please let us know so we can get back in touch with Mylan again.
Ali and the PCA team xx