Lauren’s Couch to 5k Challenge: Week 4
Lauren takes on week 4 of her 9 week ‘Couch to 5k’ challenge and this week she’s feeling the half-way plateau.
Okay, so I’ve completed one month of the Couch to 5K program and I’m not really sure where to begin. Sadly, it feels as though I’m not getting anywhere. Now I know it’s easy to read what I’m saying here and think:
“Lauren – you’ve got to give it time… Rome wasn’t built in a day… slow and steady wins the race… good things come to those who wait” yeah, yeah, yeah – I know all that and I totally understand what you’re saying.
However… I really did think I would start to feel a bit more of difference by now or see more of an improvement but sadly no. I feel as though week 4 is a bit samey and hasn’t challenged me at all but Laura (my guide on the app) often reassures me that I should have faith in the program – so I’ll try.
There is a positive though: I really do enjoy running (something I never thought I’d say!). I enjoy getting up to the crisp September mornings; listening to some crafted playlists; nodding to the elderly woman who sees me on her morning walk but who doesn’t judge my red as a beetroot, sweaty face. It’s a really nice addition to my morning routine and although I’m not seeing an improvement in my running, I genuinely do feel more energised for the day ahead.
Although a generally negative blog entry I must say that I am still very much determined to finish the program and am definitely going to power through.
Okay week 5, let’s do this!

Click here to find out more information about Couch to 5k.
See Lauren’s weekly Couch to 5k blog posts: