Lauren’s Couch to 5k Challenge: Week 3
I can now say that I’m ONE THIRD of the way through my couch to 5k programme. It sounds crazy when I say it like that as I feel like I’m still at the ‘drop in the ocean stage’ but it’s true! If you’d told me three weeks ago that I was going to be able to run for three solid minutes at various intervals, I would have laughed in your face but here we are, three weeks later and actually, I can run three minutes without breaking a sweat (not literally, I’ve been sweating buckets in reality).

I must tell you at this point that each of my week three runs had been accompanied by Lucy, the lovable but equally annoying family dog, as my family were on holiday. Now – I thought that she’d make it super difficult for me to get on with my running but it turns out that she was really supportive. Not only did she walk, run, and then walk again happily next to me but she offered me a reassuring grin every now and again that everything was okay and that I was doing really well (I like to tell myself this).
As I was dog sitting, I found that I had to run somewhere new, closer to my parents house and actually I don’t think this was necessarily a bad thing. Sure, I didn’t like it as much but it was nice to have a change of scenery. Thankfully, living in leafy Hampshire means that pretty much everywhere is beautiful, so I can’t complain but I must say that I prefer the pavement to off-road countryside!
Here I come week four – brace yourself!
**Sidenote** Never look ahead at the weeks to come, you’ll just scare yourself! Just take my word for it that your intervals will get harder and that eventually you will run for thirty solid minutes!

Click here to find out more information about Couch to 5k.
See Lauren’s weekly Couch to 5k blog posts: