Lauren takes on the ‘Couch to 5k’ challenge
I’m taking on the ‘Couch to 5k’ challenge!
What is Couch to 5k?
Couch to 5k is a 9 week programme developed by the NHS to ease sedentary (non-active) people into running with the ultimate goal of being able to successfully run 5 kilometres after 9 weeks! Each week involves 3 runs, which as the weeks progress, the increments of running and walking increase.
Why am I taking on the challenge?
I spent three long years at university eating what I wanted, drinking what I wanted (I definitely lived up to the student stereotype!) and doing as little exercise as possible between extended study periods. After graduating in July 2017, I have spent a lot of time trying to get my life together in order to become a successful adult (very scary by the way, hats off to all you successful adults out there, winning at life every day!). This includes finding my first graduate job, organising my finances, setting up savings accounts and spending my weekends seeing friends and family. After all this, it is now the beginning of August 2018 and wow does time fly.
A large part of my role here at Pancreatic Cancer Action is to work on our awareness campaigns, where I get to work on our awareness posters, booklets and social media. Since starting in the role I’ve come to understand the importance of healthy living and the long term benefits it provides for our bodies. Every day, I am inspired by our fantastic supporters who raise vital funds and awareness of pancreatic cancer, some of which complete amazing achievements such as walking, running, climbing and swimming.
This is why I am taking on the Couch to 5k challenge!
Week 1
On Thursday night, I downloaded the official app and set my alarm clock for a 6.30am start! Morning rolled around and I won’t lie, I struggled to get out of bed 45 minutes before my regular rising time. I laced up my trainers, turned on my music and started up the app. I was guided by Laura (a Couch to 5k success participant) throughout my run who would tell me when to run and when to walk. I did my first run on Friday 3rd August and I am pleased to share with you that I completed it with flying colours! I couldn’t believe it; I really though that I was going to give up half way through and start crying but no! I powered through and three runs later – I’m now entering week 2!