A special edition for the British Journal of Cancer has revealed that awareness campaigns have a direct impact on the number of people who visit the doctor if they suspect they have symptoms.
In the paper, which was released this week, are results from the first national Be Clear on Cancer bowel and lung campaigns. These campaigns led to awareness of blood in poo was a sign of bowel cancer increasing from 27 to 42%, and awareness of a cough or hoarse throat as a possible sign of lung cancer increased from 41 to 50%.
Even more positively, it is revealed that GP visits increased by 29 per cent for bowel cancer symptoms and 63 per cent for lung cancer.
Positively, Sean Duffy, national cancer director for NHS England and a co-author of one of the papers, said: “Early diagnosis of cancer is absolutely critical to improving survival. Part of this is helping people understand what symptoms to look out for, which is why campaigns like this are so important. Patients with possible early signs and symptoms should visit their GP so they can be referred for tests where necessary, and treatment can start quickly. Early diagnosis is a key focus for us and will form part of the NHS’s new five year strategy for cancer, which is being developed by an independent taskforce.”
A national awareness campaign for pancreatic cancer is a key part of our manifesto for the Election 2015. These results prove how vital it is to have one for pancreatic cancer. Please send our manifesto to your MP and also tell them about the results from the Be Clear on Campaign for lung and bowel cancer. Full details on how to contact your MP and our manifesto are available by following the link below.
Election Manifesto 2015: Take Action for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer