Pancreatic Cancer News

Fighting for early diagnosis across Europe

On January 15th, representatives from Pancreatic Cancer Action took part in PANcreatic CAncer Initial Detection (PANCAID) 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 at the European Parliament.

Organised by Pancreatic Cancer Europe and supported by United European Gastroenterology, this event brought together policymakers, clinicians, patients, and researchers to discuss the vital importance of early detection for pancreatic cancer and how we can take learnings and research forward to improve early diagnosis in every nation.

The founder and current Ambassador for Pancreatic Cancer Action and Founding and current Board Member of Pancreatic Cancer Europe, Ali Stunt, spoke at the event delivering a message of her route to early diagnosis, bringing hope, sharing successful Pancreatic Cancer Action and Pancreatic Cancer Europe campaigns and the difference they are making to patients’ lives as well as putting the case forward for more EU funding and attention to pancreatic cancer.

PANCAID is an EU funded ambitious international research consortium that brings together researchers from the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Austria, Spain and Belgium.

The aim is to make significant advancements in the early detection of pancreatic cancer through the development of a minimally invasive blood test (liquid biopsy). The project utilises a comprehensive panel of liquid biopsy diagnostics, which involves analysing genetic mutations, circulating tumour cells, and other biomarkers in blood samples, to detect pancreatic cancer at an early stage.

Speaking about the event Ali Stunt said “ I was delighted and honoured to be invited to speak at this prestigious event as a patient advocate as well as a campaigner for improvements to outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients through early diagnosis. Having the ear of several MEPs as well as the Health Minister for Malta was important to drive the messages home. It was also important to give the patient’s view to all the wonderful researchers involved in the PANCAID project, so they understand the human impact, not only of the disease, but on the research they are undertaking.”

Ali Stunt set up the charity that made good use of the fire in her belly, Pancreatic Cancer Action
Ali Stunt, founder and ambassador of PCA.

The PANCAID research project began in 2023 and early signs suggest that this innovative approach has the potential to revolutionise the current methods of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, which often occur at later stages of the disease.

Other speakers and topics included; Project insights shared by Klaus Pantel and Ioannis Vouldis, MSc, PhD (European Commission), Roundtable discussions featuring Ondřej Dostál MEP and experts on collaborative early detection strategies, a session led by Núria Malats to promote research collaboration through the Pancreatic Cancer Europe Research Map and Nicolás González Casares MEP, Malta’s Minister for Health, Jo Etienne Abela.

Pancreatic Cancer Action and our existing partners at the British Oncology Pharmacy Association are members of Pancreatic Cancer Europe.  We believe that only by working together will be improve early diagnosis and save lives.