
Do you still want to hear from us?

Changes in legislation will make it more difficult for us to stay in touch and let you know about the vital work we are doing, thanks to your support. We are asking all of our current and new supporters if and how they would like us to stay in touch.

Why are we asking you for consent again?

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a new data privacy regulation which is being introduced on the 25th May 2018.  Under this new legislation, if you want to continue to hear from us, you must physically confirm that you want to be contacted by us – or ‘opt-in’.  We will not be allowed to keep you up to date if we do not have your permission.

What does it mean if you opt in?

Our supporters are at the heart of Pancreatic Cancer Action, we appreciate everything you do and the last thing we want to do it is bombard you with messages!

Opting in simply means that we will let you know the latest news from Pancreatic Cancer Action and how your support is helping us to make a difference. We will update you if there is any news on pancreatic cancer and pancreatic cancer research.  From time to time we will tell you about fundraising events and opportunities to get involved.

Image that says 'click here to stay up to date'

How will we contact you?

You can choose how we contact you.

  • Choose eMail and we will send you e-mail updates around once a month
  • Choose Post and we will send you an Action Magazine once a year and other information very occasionally

And of course you can choose both to stay super-up to date!

Can you change your mind or ‘opt out’?

Yes, you have the right to withdraw your consent and ask us to stop sending you updates at any time.  To change your marketing preferences click here.

And of course you can opt back in at any time in exactly the same way, click here to opt in.

About GDPR

The aim of GDPR is to strengthen the way that companies and charities use your personal data and to make it easier for you to stay in control of your data. Your personal data includes your contact information, health information and anything else that is counted as personal data under the Data Protection Act.

For full details about what we do with your personal details and how we keep them safe, please read our privacy statement.