Do you live in Scotland?… Write to your MSP this November!
On Wednesday the 18th of November, the day before World Pancreatic Cancer Day, there will be a debate in Scottish Parliament on pancreatic cancer. This is the fourth year that the debate will go ahead after a motion by Claire Adamson MSP, a key supporter of pancreatic cancer. The debate is growing in size ever year and is a good opportunity to raise issues and challenges facing those with pancreatic cancer and to raise the profile of the disease among MSPs and the Scottish government.
Pancreatic Cancer Action has written to every MSP in the build up to the debate to provide information about pancreatic cancer in their region or constituency and local reasons for late diagnosis. We are encouraging MSPs to attend the debate and discuss how we can reach more people than ever before with our message of early diagnosis.
Furthermore, we have produced assets for MSPs to share including symptoms posters, our purple heart to raise awareness and pin badges to wear during the debate and throughout November.
Now we are asking you to help us raise awareness of pancreatic cancer with your local MSP. Writing to your MSP will help us to reinforce the message about pancreatic cancer and help MSPs understand what is happening in their area. Sharing your story, or why you support the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is a powerful way of reaching your MSP and showing them why the statistics for pancreatic cancer need to change. Pancreatic Cancer Action has created a template letter for you to use and personalise, or you can create your own.
We hope that you will join us in writing your MSP about pancreatic cancer this November and in watching the debate on Scottish Parliament TV. You can also tweet your MSP and thank them for attending the debate or supporting pancreatic cancer during awareness month.