Commended Winner at the Patient Information Awards!
We are so thrilled that one of our patient information booklets, Pancreatic Cysts and Cystic Tumours, has been commended at the 2018 BMA Patient Information Awards.
What are the BMAs?
The BMA Patient Information Award was established to encourage the production, dissemination and evaluation of patient information materials which are accessible, evidence-based and well designed. Such information should also support patients as active participants in decisions about their care. These awards are organised by the BMA library and demonstrate the BMAs commitment to the provision of consumer health information.
The Pancreatic Cysts and Cystic Tumours booklet
This booklet aims to provide clear and simple information to patients with pancreatic cysts and cystic tumours to help them understand make sense of their condition. This was the first booklet of it’s kind. There had been no consistent, up-to-date information available for patients.
The booklet was commended at the awards which means that it has been graded highly by the reviewers of the awards and chosen for commendation by the final judging panel, who said:
“This is a good resource which was produced to meet a specific need. it does a very good job of explaining the technical topic and uses diagrams to good effect.”
Vicky McLaren, PCA’s Information Operations manager, who attended the event said:
“I would not have believed, had you told me 10 years ago that I would attend this prestigious institution alongside UCL Clinical Research Fellow Geri Keane to receive a commendation on behalf of Pancreatic Cancer Action, the cancer charity close to my heart for whom I now work.
The shocking loss of my father to pancreatic cancer led to a series of opportunities that have brought me here today. It’s amazing what you can achieve through the projects you lead and the diversity of people you partner with, if you are open to the possibilities life throws your way.”
Receiving a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be a stressful and confusing time. We have listened to patients, relatives and carers to understand what information is useful. Our award winning information booklets are easy to understand and ideal to have at hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
All our patient booklets can be viewed online and sent to a UK address free of charge.